The internet, encyclopedia, libraries, books abount about the historic formation, making of the Pied Noirs nation of North Africa, Central Africa - formerly Belgium colony. Their history, politic, impact on France, Belgium, Luxumburg and EU politic, economic issues.
Their experience, knowledge - political process how these have come to benefit the French speaking nation and their government, political development in Europe - EU development the past 25 years and ongoing development - relation with North African nations, Med Basin Economic Union.
Why so much came to be written about them, films, documentary. Yet on the Indian Ocean Pied Noirs, those of Mauritius, Sechelles - Seychelles, Reunion very little - some material, work, media exposure are avilable over the Pied Noirs of Reunion that is because of it relation ship to France - the Natioanl government - EU involvement, funds and legislations.
Over the past 25 years our Sechelles-Seychelles Communities single handed efforts to address, highlight, promote and argue -defend the uniqueness of the Indian Ocean Sechelles - Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion Pied Noirs cultural heritage, contributions in EU given that they are dispersed across several EU countires, the language, cultural differences they have had to face, confront in the assimilation process.
Politic in Europe is about economy, wealth, resource and development where as for the Pied Noirs from North Africa and Central Africa, their governments, the media, the big banks, the politicians and related philantrophic bodies saw the vital and immediate gain, benefits from persuing and addressing issues realted to the Pied Noirs from the above region - there was and have had no given incentives to persue, support, mediatise the issues of the Indian Ocean Sechelles - Seychelles, Mauritius Pied Noirs. Europe, EU have been and remains a brutal system, machine, mechanism for/of effortsexploitation to this end.
However with the given and limited resources those from the Indian Ocean Pied Noirs commuity relentless efforts, advocacy - with out the support of main stream media, relevant EU support, political support - they have gone about to explain waht makes them unique in EU and their efforts to become involved in the development of EU politic 35 years ago when most nations, communities in EU then supported a Club concept, France, Britian, Dutch, Italian, the USA or USSR - they came forward and explained the need, necessity in the years to come to promote and support a united EU economic and political interest in EU and the Indian Ocean.
Meanwhile EU development and process, the changes in COMECON, USSR, those former COMECON nations and USSR who have become part of EU on this vision and conviction.
Equally and more so the role fo their communities in EU given their historic experience, political process in the Indian Ocean, first Africa - todays African Union, the Arab - Gulf Region Nation - Union, the Nation of India and Pakistan former East Pakistan/Bengaladesh, the Asian nations, China and Australia.
Not just the issues of the Lisabon Treaty and the 2009 EU election, the state of the world economy, financial and political order, the situation with religion conflicts. Those in EU who have taken to exploiting them, their cultural, historic and archaic heritage.
They are the people who have gone to the process, for the past 250 years to acquire the knowledge, these rights and privilages. Instead position adopted by the political establishment in EU, France, Belgium, Britain, Germany, Italy, UNESCO to marginalize, exclude them, to exploite them. They are the people, communities that/who can directly transfer, share their knowledge, experience acquired. Not some diplomats, some EU executives, some organization who wast and take tax payers money, write long reports, sarrounded by tons of red tapes- where that money could be made better use else where. In the process, the poor results, they take the credit for the real work and achievements of those Indian Ocean Sechelles - Seychelles Pied Noirs and the main stream media go along. The EU parliament, the Council of Europe and other related EU institutions.
This blatant and terrible exploitation have been going on for the past 25 years - nobody wants to or is prepared to do anything against this prevailing practice.
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