We care about our European Heritage
Dear Families, Individuals, nominated and appointed Community representatives, those vested with responsibilities in term of Christian, Heraldic for and on behalf of our respective communities in and across the EU, the Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion, BIOT - Diego Garcia and across the world a very good morning.
Very many form our communities are still uncertain, do not or cannot believe that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge are spending their Historic honey moon at Home in Sechelles Seychelles - the Indian Ocean surrounding nations. {Just like all of those who refused to believe that that SIROP etc, combined exile return program was going to change Seychelles properly}
This morning as the world and we wake up to our respective choirs, work and daily toil, the school children - the full media glare, attention, focus upon the Royal Couple Honeymoon. Given the dynamic of the global media, capacity to bring and cause great pressure on our life, environment and world, the pressure and glaring beaming eye of History upon our Nation and the Indian Ocean, with all its turmoil and current situations. {As children we enjoyed piping, looking behind crates and doors, those USA, Russian, Chinese, Indian, Brazilian, French, British, Italian, Israel satellite who can locate and take pictures of an ant or the minutes creature on our planet}
For a small nation of our resource, population, economy, diplomatic capacities in the Indian Ocean, the African Union , the Francophone, the Commonwealth, other important Organs and structures of the indian Ocean and the world - our respective families, those we love and have fought for to make the Sechelles Seychelles we have today a very happy and great moment in time and History, in particular our African Union Organisation and the Indian and Pakistan neighbours.
In as much as we take pride in our national achievements, what we have endeavoured to underlined - that SIROP etc combined exile return program was important made to work, effective, put in place bay a large structure of European, International and regional Networks - spanning across many disciplines and society working, to them this morning is due credit, thanks, appreciation for our achievements and the Sechelles Seychelles we have this morning and the Royal couple Honeymoon. The continuous daily battle as we try to survive and live in this world.
Equally if not paramount - those who laid the foundation of our nations in the Indian Ocean, their faith belief, practice and ethics and we as great grand children our belief, faith, practice and ethic - it is that same faith and belief which brought our ancestors to the Indian Ocean then full of uncertainty and dangers - these challenges have been passed unto us, our generation and children. This faith and belief has seen and helped us through very difficult, painful, hard and very uncertain moment of our existence as a small nation. This is the faith, belief, trust and values we share with the Royal couple this historic and momentous morning.
Very many following our issues and affairs in EU talking about our Community, around the world, at Home and the Indian Ocean - our good reason and why we had/have titled the many issues leading up to Prince William engagement and wedding under the Heraldic Merchandising.
In Old Sechelles Seychelles in all four previous generations, until the coup d'etat, parents used to correct and severely reprimand their children with a stick/rod until they were almost 21years old and even older. Given this state of things the notion that as children we were not to know thing which did not concern us or things which would lend us into trouble particularly archaic, heraldic, illuminate - they would even frighten the day light out of their children if and when discovered delving into those and such issues.
For this good reason we in our yesterday thread about Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge Honey moon in Sechelles Seychelles in term of heraldic the list of things, issues, items, saying, punctuations, etc we brought forward and raised. For those following us in EU and across the world utterly perplexed and baffled - for us in Seychelles it made sense.
Until 1991, all those who go involved, studied, took part, worked and associated with our nation, history, economy, politic, affairs,, culture, etc knew bits and pieces about our true and real history - every body wrote, stated and explained their version. Like the patate and the manioque and cambar it was not fun or amusing.
In the Great and high ancestral values, practices, heritage we judge and decided to put together a Coat of Arms for our Sechelles Seychelles Community in EU encompassing, embrrassing the very source of our European ancestral roots, their progress in time and history and events leading to the Indian Ocean Colonisation by the European Nation - those who laid the foundation of Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles and Diego Garcia - BIOT. We who have inherited the baggage's, the history, the challenges, everything and we entrusted, our generation to be its caretaker, look after it and carry it forward. We are trying to use plain, simple language that everybody may and will understand hopefully.
Hence the highly complex work and process to concept and put together our Sechelles Seychelles EU Community coat of Arms. On the more serious side in Europe and across the world those institutions, bodies, high parties educated, trained, vested and their to overseer, such issues, its good management and working and benchmarking. Equally there have been and seen the involvement of very great and important personalities form the Church, Illuminate, the Royalty, academicians, important politicians - those who supported, guided and advised us until the project was completed. In Seychelles, Mauritius, Reunion those who equally supported, guided and instructed us in the many phases and development - in particular the former President of Seychelles France Albert Rene.
The Seychelles Nation, Mauritius, Reunion, regional Indian Ocean Nations, our communities around the world, the African Union, the Arab nations, Asian nations and indeed the nations of Europe and former COMECON, USSR have benefited importantly and blessed by this project.
Our reason to underlined the events leading to Prince William engagement and wedding - were all those who were abusing of the working of this Coat of Arms and its heraldic values, those who refuse to acknowledge the very negative aspects when one abuse or gross abuses take place in committed in the working of such issues. We have address those issues to the respective international institutions and judiciary.
There are and exist numerous correspondence between Seychelles government and our/on behalf of our EU Community pertaining the above issues and subject.
This coat of Arms is importantly linked with our exile return program the infamous or whatever you would like to term SIROP etc, $500 - $800 millions program. the changes which took place in the COMECON, the USSR and Africa, Asia and the Arab world. It marks the great era of Pope John Paul ll given our Christian values and faith, beside other world leading Church and interfaith Leaders.
We had wanted, trusted and hoped that members and individual form the British, European heraldic, heraldry workings would have come forward and supported and encouraged us given what we had/have written about the British Royal Family like all the nations and communities in Europe and the world those who decided upon the Historic Occasion to use their national heraldic, logos and coat of arms to mark their engagement and wedding. This did not happen.
This morning we want to ask, request all those we have addressed above to take a copy of our Sechelles Seychelles EU Community coat of Arms and a picture of Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge to impress it on a mug, plate, or Tea Shirt. We are pressed for resource and cannot address all the high official of Seychelles government , their respective departments, those law firms in Seychelles who have been looking after issues - these issues.
Given the Historic importance of the events by the international standards and such practice - the norm and relevancy to use this coat of Arms and produce one or two items/memorabilia to mark this very great historic moment.
We also have a web shop - e eshop and those of you who may wish to avail of this facility and service to sel, market and items and good you may produce.
We also have put together for some time a seperate Platfrom using Ning as enhanced Network for our Sechelles Seychelles EU Communities where such/these issues can be discussed and promoted.
Another Platfrom unsing Ning is the Sechelles Heritage Trust which will envetually be responsible, control such issues and their rights, usage and monies among other issues - current progress.
There is the need to state - we had pressed former President FA Rene and several high parties in Sechelles Seychelles that we can make the final correction the coat of Arms - this not done we have fate and history yet again looking and smiling at us. One of the most expensive stamp in the world is the Blue Mauritius stamp it is so valuable because of the errors in printing and the plate. Well in spite of the errors those who wish ought to take a copy of our current coat of Arms and use/apply it as it is. There is the need to note importantly the many issues we have address over the past 20 years.
Should any of you get richly blessed and rewarded - we kindly ask you to donate and support the charities in Seychelles, the Indian Ocean and the rest of the world. The need to remind you all that this is a heavenly work and the we ought to return some of the blessings to its giver - your respective Churches and faith.
Yours Sincerely
The High party responsible for the development and implementation of the Sechelles Seychelles EU Community Coat of Arms.
{Polite note: We almost forgot today is yet again antique day across Britain and this practice in many European Capitals and, Towns and Villages}
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