The Sechelles Heritage Trust

We care about our European Heritage

Sechelles Heritage Trust - Blazon, coat of arms Project - debacles

The Coat of arms of France - King Louis the 14th 
Sechelles Heritage Trust 

Sunday 16th Febuary, 2014


We addressed on our Facebook platform/pages the issues of our research for the past 5 years into the High heritage, Nobility, Royal and Family - history of the Huge Tyrel de Poix and the root of the de Sechelles Title.

If one, anybody care to do a brief Google search - the vast majority of reference safe our Seychelles EU community, that SIROP program and Sechelles Heritage Trust , state there is a very important and paramount like in term of Heraldry and Title connectivity with/to the Tyrel de Poix ancient Family and the Tyrel de Sechelles ancient Family.

The need/requirement to note the respective of France Heraldry, the many European countries, the European Heraldry body, that of England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland - that of USA, the Canada and Quebec, Australia Heraldry and South Africa - until the fall of the Berlin Wall, the COMECON and the USSR - China and then communist era and Cold War.

In term of such workings in spite of our Rights to work our respective Sechelles Seychelles/Mauritius, Reunion/Comoros, Madagascar, Diego Garcia, South Africa, East Africa, North Africa, India, South Asia important France/European Family Heraldry under the respective above regulation, national laws, directive and benchmarks. We were not allowed per say to work the greater National and European and International Heraldry and associated Diplomatic workings, heritage until the Treaty of Rome. Trashed out by then President F Mitterrand, Lady Thatcher and those who participated - our important lobby and involvement - achievement. Formerly this/these respective high workings was deemed the high responsibility of France Institutions, the Francophone. Britain and the Commonwealth only. We have communicate to the EU Parliament, council of Europe, the European Court of Justice, International Court of Justice and the United Nation as well as some of the European and world Heraldry bodies. Beside certain Policing Authorities, the Templar, Illuminati, Vatican, Church of England and some of the Masonic Establishments who have worked with our issues the past 300 years. Beside to pertaining to hold high responsibilities for the working of Royal Institutions across Europe.

One of the most important contribution of that SIROP program - those 21,000 exile/refugees, the reintroduction of their ancestral Heraldry working/functionality back in Sechelles Seychelles - just as those who have endeavored to return such high working back in the former COMECON - East Europe, the former USSR - safe in our case the uniqueness of our French ancestral workings a core and founding Family Member of Europe, past Europe and the Wars. Beside that of Colonial Britain - again the need to stress how and the systematic suppressing of our French Heraldry workings and associated high national Institutions until our Independence. Their important efforts to reestablish this practice after the reintroduction of Multiparty in 1991.

Hence the emphasis and time consuming efforts, the past 25 years, to research and address our finding, present to the world and develop due communication vehicle to promote and enhance the knowledge discovered and debate the issues.

There is the important need to note/address the opposition from regional countries and the respective national Institutions to oppose and impede our work. Indian, Pakistan, the Gulf Region, a high percentage of Africa Institutions - safe South Africa, East Africa and aspect of North Africa. We have equally addressed the UN, the USA and Europe and Vatican high Institutions the important benefits and uniqueness of those small Nation of the Indian Ocean with such workings and heritage. Be they what they contributed in the Cold War to change the Communist system, the new world order and the future regional Indian Ocean. This towards African Union, Gulf Nations workings.

What about the highly important impacts and benefits the Sechelles Seychelles as nation and people have benefited, been enriched and, very many important economic, financial, environment, education, policing, health, faith important contributions as a direct results of such working - then those dishonest and corrupted practice - their explanation and expert reporting methods. We would not like to take the time to think what our ancestors would have judge/thought of such attitude and approach. We would have all be disinherited, banished in exile with was the practice or declared bastards. The same practice in Britain and France.

When we decided to lodge the project of a Coat of Arms for our EU Community at/by the college of Arms in 1992/3, those important Families who came back to us/our person and inquired why we have left/excluded the Royal workings of our ancestors. There has been a very great deal of debacles/collateral issues. Particularly given the diversity, ethnicity of our Community in Europe and Exile. We have made important efforts to address in appropriate degree/proportion and good measure the issues and work with them since 1991.

Again the need to state those Families who have demanded and requested we put together an emblem or coat of arms to reflect this/these workings as is the norm. We have concentrated on the core issues of Sechelles Heritage Trust. We have addressed the UNESCO and others for help, resource and support - instead the go to LUNGOS or State House, with a checque and expertise and many other issues and we get starve/excluded left to fend for our selves. "In impolite speaking go and rummage in the bins and we can get what we need".

Yet for example the impact of our work - "that UAE mega Reclamation Jumeriah Development costing some $ 8 billions was importantly impacted and synergize by this coat of arms project Heraldry workings"

Important part of that Sechelles Seychelles Phase lll Reclamation project was impacted by that EU Community important Heraldic/Heraldry issues - what they report to the IMF, the World Bank the UN, the EU, the African Union, the Commonwealth, the Francophone and the SADEC, the COI, the Indian Ocean Rim Association, the Arab League and Gulf Region nation. The massive and very important disparity. It can be compared to those who go to Mass/Church and pray - for their plight, Family situation - when heaven answers them - then they say it is the Drug and booze Baron to the witch doctors who have helped them. Your mother/parents, grandparents, wife and love one give you love and how this spurn, helps and encourage you in your respective challenge, daily existence and fight for survival and then you turn round and deny them and these.

We have also shared to/with those who had requested we put together a Royal emblem /coat of arms project for our Sechelles Seychelles Heritage of the mega abuse, dishonesty which have taken place in the past - the brief above said. What would/will ensue. Beside the many In France and our high French communities across the world who have ask/requested that we put in place due Officials, help them acquire the training and education to work and manage such issues. We know and is very aware we have members of Families who belong and work with the respective country, nation high institutions and already have a good if not excellent knowledge and understanding of such workings and the issues we have been presenting - safe they gap at our person or the such.

We have been challenging those in/from Seychelles and the region who believe we use drug to inspire and drive our work. The issues we have publish.


On Facebook and two of our portal addressed the time we have taken to watch the film with Gerard Depardieu and Yves Montand - Manon des Sources 1986. We have even ask those who can request president FA Rene to take the time and his Family to watch this Video and the important lesson behind the story.

Just/in asking the person of President FA Rene to study the video our important reasons. We took have taken the time to find out the deeper issues related. Our ancestors did not come form Mars, Jupiter, Saturn or Pluto - their respective Christian Faith and belief/human values.

We decided after our historic visit to Vienna after 23 years, the previous time we have been there the Berlin Wall still stood, the USSR, the COMECON, the Warsaw Pact, the OAU, beside the None Aligned Nation workings. Including a very large of great and important personalities who have helped build that Europe after the ll world War. Those we talked to and the places we went to pray. Having said we started our study, research into our French and European heraldic, archaic, Illuminati etc workings in Austria and Vienna.

We decided to put together our findings, represented by just three Blazon of the Tyrel de Poix de Sechelles and that of the Moreau Family - Vicomte  Jean ... Moreau de Sechelles and below or in between the current Seychelles nation coat of arms. The very negative reaction we received for the global representative of Heraldry workings.

Given our 35 years research with this discipline - just as had the strong impulse/notion that their were important links, information regarding the origin of Sechelles Seychelles name - what was publish then and still available for review and our research - we don not say that there were those who did not know were not aware - they just did not share their knowledge with the greater public and the information stuck/left to mushroom away in some library.

For those who understand such issues - the connectivity/linkage is not complete with then Kings Finance Minister - equivalent sporting his Family emblem/Blazon that of the Moreau Family, his Branch as we have publish and to be found on his resting place. By buying the Castle, Estate was not sufficient - and we have been searching for that missing link of the Tyrel de Sechelles Heraldic/ Balzon/coat of arms - with the important help and contribution of France royal workings - the Kings of France and the Templar workings - made this unique discovery - the blazon/coat of arm of the Tyrel de Sechelles - which Vicomte Jean Moreau did not/could not acquire and bear. It is very unique and unusual - the Family who publish them are distant relative of the de Sechelles and as they have reworked the Tyrel de Poix Blazon and coat of Arms they have reworked, the colours and interpretation of the de Sechelles Blazon. We have introduced it/them with the note this is working stage project/incomplete - those who will jump on their high horse - only they know everything - where were they all the time we were searching and paining/languishing - for the high parties of SPPF and State House who did not know of the issues it will be a very big surprise and it may be used as political propaganda - we stress this was/were not the original colours. Among the archive of France and that big library project of President Francois Mitterrand information available, documentation, evidence, letters, certificates and notes, references.

We are going to publish an/the ongoing Project - which need professional editing and completed properly and registered by the EU due Heraldry Institutions. The due regulations and European laws, benchmarks pertaining to the usage and application/publication of existing Blazon from the French Heraldry Institutions and Regulatory High Institutions.

Again the note - we are addressing this/these issues on SIROP blog and will migrate them/it to the respective media i. e Sechelles Heritage Trust, the Forums etc.


Note -  We are using a English/American Key board and hence no ' available. 
We have addressed the issues of President FA Rene stepping down - he could have stayed in Office, the Opposition very dishonest explanation eversince, including the International media, Sechelles News - Opposition media and President JA Michel since the Opposition choose to behave such - he too can afford the same.  We publish the above article 16th Febuary 2014 and those who understand very very serious political working - this article Today 17.2.14
We are the same person who discussed/talk with then Lawyer FA Rene - when he had his Office in Kings Gate - we are sharing this issue with him - It have come about after the Angers - Loire debacle - King Rene of Angou - beside the Friends of Mahe de Labourdonais in Angers and the very many unpublish issues with the Tyrel de Pois, de Sechelles with Angers - Loire.  That old  suit case of the Epstine/Beloff Family we took to angers and that SIROP papers, documents - the Epstine Castle in Vienna, among others. It is just one of the very modest issues with a very great deal of other we do not write and discuss. 


Note - 22/2/14, We addressed the issues of our Traveling to Vienna 27/12/13 after 23 years, the last time we had been to Vienna the COMECON, USSR, the Warsaw Pact was very much intact - that Autumn we had gotten back to London, Kilburn - Brent, 87a Victoria Rd - events in the former COMECON, the USSR. 
Those in France, Austria, Italy, rest of Europe who have supported our endeavors and work - their respective manner. 
Given the importance - we had taken to giving due notification - the accountability, some of the issues we are not supposed to share/discuss in Public. 
The French/France high Institutions who have supported us ever since we came to Europe in 1976 in exile. Those who have given their lives and shed their blood for us.  The USA, EU, Austria  Policing Authorities knew we would be travelling and where we would be staying. 
In the manner of our French ancestral working - the High school Teacher and Husband from Bordeaux who spent the Days  and very special week with us at the Youth Hostel, others.  The quality time we shared together and the issues we exchange. We take this opportunity to convey our respect and wishes to former President F Mitterrand Prime Minister Alain Juppé - Mayor of Bordeaux and Édouard Balladur. 
We dedicate the appropriate credit of the coat of Arms - Sechelles Heritage Trust,  Heraldry/Heraldic workings/workings  to the High School teacher from Bordeaux - Family, Children. The link to Vienna New Year’s Eve 2013/14
 (Our son born in Angers - Loire,  anger- upset not being their  fro his Birthday which we had talked about. )

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Comment by The Sechelles Heritage Trust on February 23, 2014 at 2:09pm

We read the news of the  Last member of famous Von Trapp siblings who inspired 'The Sound of Music' dies aged 99 - Maria Franziska

We wish to convey our Sechelles Heritage Trust Condolence and Regrets to those of the Austrian, German Families, institutions and Associates who were concern and worked with the issues. 
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