We care about our European Heritage
This December 2014 we acquired some unique experience in Alsace/Lorraine - Strasbourg. We took some time and visited the one yearly ancient/antique book Fair and the Christmas Tree in the Square. Much stranger events which followed the first week of January 2015, the massacre of the Journalist and editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo and the Jewish shop. Much more important in Paris alone some 3 million human took part in the protest, in Rouen 35,000 ,Strasbourg and other cities and Towns of France, across Europe and the world.
In Rouen, the Cathedral we visited the resting place of many great kings, queens and Church leaders. { We had also prayed in those Cathedral - we also visited the monument of Joan of Arc - La Pucelle d'Orléans - The Maid of Orléans} and thought back of my personal fate, persecution, harassment, attempt to have my person killed, excluded from society, in Britain London and Kent at the involvement of the English/British populace - Conservative, the past 25 years. Many international issues, Court issues and that historic SIROP program - also took a lot of pictures.
Sechelles Seychelles is embroiled in very many very vibrant, dynamic historic issues and their Illuminati since its discovery and ongoing issues to date.
We have taken some time and researched a few issues covering the fate of the Dauphin LOUIS XVII - beside our Australia community contribution. We have also know the person of Mr Henri Gonthier reasonably well, close relative of Mr Louis Charles Poiret many years of support with our European issues and he knew both side of our Family from Anse - aux Pins.
Extract Carnets Louis XVll - <Puis en juin dernier, je fus contacté par MM. Saint-Ange, Georges, propriétaires
de I'Auberge Louis XVII aux Seychelles, pour participer à un mini-colloque le 8 juin. Réunissant une cinquantaine de personnes et des descendants de Louis Poiret, prétendant Seychellois, natif de Dunkerque, ce colloque permit de fêter cet étrange bicentenaire en présence de Son excellence, I'Ambassadeur de France et du représentant du Ministre de la Culture des Seychelle>
Old Louis Charles Poiret. Grave on Point Au Sel Hill. There are three graves one for Louis Poiret, one for his eldest son and the other for his eldest son wife. compliment Seychelles/Australia community
Le Sechelles Seychelles sous le premier empire
Cercle d'études historiquessur la Question Louis XVII
L'AFFAIRE LOUIS XVIIConférence présentéeaux Iles Seychellesle 8 jui...
Président du
Cercle d'Études Historiques
sur la Question Louis XVII
Les mystères de l'histoire : Louis XVII, l'évadé du Temple
Analyse critique du livre : Louis XVII, la vérité
Analyse de l'ADN du cœur de l'enfant du Temple :
How many still remember the year 1995, particularly those in then Sechelles Seychelles. We had been staying at Caple Court Country Club - Caple le Fern, between Dover and Folkestone. We had already gone through the process of acquiring the Emperor mobile Home/office ex Societe General des Eaux/Nort West Holst construction, ex Channel Tunnel contractor.
In Folkestone, there existed the Cercle Francais headed by Mr Coltard. We had already registered - put into place the concept for FECAS- ECSVS, office at Channel Secretarial Service. { We had also been in contact with four leading law firm in Folkestone for a Judicial Review, beside the court case at Canterbury County Court, the Royal Court of Justice case for damage and compensation £21 million for the destruction, the damage to our place at 87a Victoria Rd, Kilburn Brent. Beside the EU Court, the International Court of Justice}
For some three years had been working on that Heraldic/Coat of Arms for our EU Community, had already addressed the Royal College of Arms and others. Then Pope John Paul ll, then events in France, their respective nobility Institutions and Individuals and those of Europe. We had also traveled to Bruxelles to request that the Bruxelles University take that Heraldic - coat of Arms as a University project and the announcement of the Stock Market in Mauritius, Seychelles and Palestine on the back of that Coat of Arms project. Then Seychelles International Festival of Classical Music was on and all those involved. We had also experienced the first economic melt down and the debacle/idea for the RIM Association Project and President JR Mancham application to rebuild his residence at Glacis sur Mer. What was driving those issues and the synergy. We were also in touch with the Pied Noirs community - personalities, those who used to come over from Calais, Bouglogne and we talked and conversed in Folkestone and Dover. We had also been to Bruxelles to meet the EU Officials for funding for a Maison de L'Ocean Indienne to the Town of Calais, they had agreed and President F Mitterrand had given his support - the statement of EU officials they would give a Grant to Seychelles government and Mauritius and they were to share with us - they never did. President Bill Clinton promise to help us migrate/move to the continent - events in Ireland and the USA. In Sechelles Seychelles events and the issues in the media about the George Family, St Ange and the Conference on the above subject - our respective communities in Britain, Australia, South Africa, Canada and USA then and Europe. The debacle/our debacle about those documents and luggage s in Angers - Loire.
Events in Britain that year.
We had almost forgotten that year the French Presidential election and the election of Jacques Chirac in May, events and the changes. Then Grand-master of the two French Masonic Lodge and the changes/election - outcome.
The ongoing Wars in former Yugoslavia
That year Window 95 came out what we have written, our contributions to Window development - then Illuminati, Masonic entities in Folkestone and Dover. In Seychelles and South Africa events then Mr Mario Ricci, then President FA Rene, then Minister Ralph Adam, then Mr Guy Morel, then Mr Guy Lionnet, the Mrs Flavie Jackson curator of the Seychelles Archive and other responsibilities. Then Seychelles Oppositions, events in Mauritius and Reunion - then Colonel Bob Dennard in the Indian Ocean. When we wrote on the back of that Heraldic working /development the Tourism School its then CEO, Mr Savy and many other issues including Offshore and Economic Zone Development. That Reclamation phase lll had just started and the issues where to get the money to build the Road and earlier Reclamation. Our involvement and impute.
We are going to add the Wikipedia 1995 with all its inaccuracies.
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