The Sechelles Heritage Trust

We care about our European Heritage

Haydn-Höhepunkte am Pfingstsonntag -Gottesdienst mit Schöpfungsmesse ; 1st Sunday SHT

1st Sunday SHT - "Sechelles Heritage Trust"

Amid all the efforts to destroy everything we have put together so far for the Sechelles - Seychelles Communities in EU, including the dreadful two weeks we have spent in London - Islington. the issues we have addressed on our community Forums and Blogs - this morning news Mr Jeremy Paxton comment the British are "Barbarians" - Why they want to have hundreds and thousands functioning National, International, communitys, Towns and cities, associations etc they have done their very best, those who have done their very best to destroy any form of community structure and benevolent self support for the above -our communities in Britain and EU.

In spite of depriving us of a safe home in the country side which we have toiled for some 18 years and those who have benefited very importantly in the country side of Kent and England. So that we do not have Computer facilities, so that we cannot think clearly - compelled to live and work in an infernal environment in London - Islington, under constant harassment, intimidation and the such.

Our decision to go ahead with the assistance of our Sechelles - Seychelles EU Italian connection to set up some kind of working web presence/plat from - social Network for a very long envisaged and having attempted many times to officially register such body for our communities namely - a Heritage Trust.

Last week we traveled to Seven Oaks in Kent { our French and European ancient link to the topic of Oaks, the wisdom Trees in the days of the Druids and before them and later the Knight Templar, the vast many use of the Oak tree from drink, shoe, book cover, weapon handles, ships, cathedrals, great homes , universities, furnitures and indeed that famous box we all end up in in the end and very many other uses -} We formally started the social platform - Network for Sechelles Heritage Trust. Having duely explained to the library staff and the details will be on our library log.

The idea is even if we are not officially registered to have a place on the web where those interested in supporting our activities, aspiration and vision for our community can join us- come help us. Ask questions, present their views, ideas, wish and complains. This is a space for those with a given or specific needs can come and address them and not just those of us form the Sechelles Heritage Trust others, visitors, Officials, policing bodies can view their informations, needs, requirements , requests and opposite views.

We wish to emphasis that the choice of name "Sechelles" Heritage Trust is a very special and very privilege responsibility we carry and have undertaken. As we have addressed elsewhere the confusion in our history. those who have written our history. Many in the world do not know that our nation was first named Sechelles - later changed to Seychelles by the British after their victory over Emperor Bonaparte after Waterloo and without our asking - made a British colony and the name of our Nation changed to Seychelles.

The other issues is the historic acceptance that the name Sechelles derived - those group of Island some 250 years ago was so named after the finance Minister of the then King of France, Viscount Jean Moreau des Sechelles, with a thing on top of the e as the British would say. Far more important is what historians and those involved responsible for what we have come to term our "ancestral archaic/fraternal - Christian heritage" the fact and side of history many forgets or prefer to forgets that the name and title originate form the Norman Noble, Lords, Kings, prince - Tyrel des Sechelles. In Normandy the vast amount of information available on the subject - not properly available on the web.

This thread is not about what "Sechelles Heritage Trust" is all about.

Last Sunday given that our communities and ancestors are - were 90% Christian believers. Very privilege to attend Mass - Service at the Swedish Church in London. The events and function that Sunday. Again the fact that the whole world forgets that for the past 4/5 generation - the future, the Kings of Sweden have very important French blood and Royal conncetions. History - thier support not just for our Eu community work but the nation of Seychelles.

The previous Sunday we had attended Mass in Hounslow - the quasi Community church, those Seychellois families who attended Mass that Sunday and the candle we lit for the Parcou and St Ange Family - their loved one.

This Sunday after we had formally started this community vital Social Network plat from - in Christian term - the great human events.

We were given the opportunity to watch a program yesterday about Bayonne - France, the families that make the noblest of "Jeanbon - ham".

This morning had wished to attend a church service instead go the privilege to watch via ORF and the German TV a 200 year solemn Mass for Joseph Hayden in Eisenstadt - Upper Austria. Hayden Home Town, who died on the 31st May. for those who do not quite know our Austrian Sechelles - Seychelles, French - European connections, heritage, the wife of the last King of France was Austrian, the emperor Bonaparte wife was Austrian and other past French Kings marriage to Austrian Royal family and other important links. As such our connection over the past 30 odd years, as stated where we began to research and put together the concept for a broader and longterm system, structure for our Sechelles - Seychelles communities in Europe. Those in Vienna, the families and individuals there who have supported us the past 30 odd years and will have to take such responsibilities in the future for the ongoing of our communities affairs.

We cannot underline and stress enough – those who are involved in causing maximum damage to our communities working, those bent on mischiefs, revenge or vendetta. The grave danger this poses for the harmonious working of EU, the flaunting of EU judicial system and other relevant institutions set, funded to protect, manage and see that such things do not happen. We cannot fail and stop to underline that the Christian institutions are very important and very active in our communities working,

{We would also like to add the issues of GM – Opel Germany/Vauxhall in Britain, the issues we have addressed some one months ago again on our communities forums and blogs.}

We have added some links to the events here:
Haydn-Höhepunkte am Pfingstsonntag
Alles andere als ein braver "Papa"

We have also added two links of events in Seychelles:
Second hand fair to support community
Praslin brothers’ long-awaited album on sale

Views: 62


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