The Sechelles Heritage Trust

We care about our European Heritage

We started thread titled “Charity begins at Home” in a quasi sort of polite way what we are trying. attempting to tell everybody or those prepared to listen.

A very crucial and important question to ask, the future Prime minister, current Prime minister Brown, those who work in the Special Services, the many media guru, all those from the three major political parties who manipulate, spin their version of things.

How many have read this thread, including Friends of Europe, form the EU Commission, the Parliament and other EU Institutions. The part, paragraph we mentioned we had attended Church, Holy communion at the Church next to the French Embassy, over the past 25 years of our Sechelles - Seychelles political debacles in Britain, those who have gone there to pray, visit or attended Mass. The significance of the Sermon that was preached by the Priest about - a book he has discovered and its author on the issues of management not at the Head. Instead management from the back.

Again we underline this Sir Richard Branson approach and concept of management - his corporation way back when he started with his record shop - how this philosophy, thinking and practicum have evolved. Politicians like Tony Blair respecting his management Brand.

The importance of this Sermon to underline is the first time since I have lived in Britain from the Pulpit and from such an important Church edifice and Priest spell out in such clear and specific language, almost that of a real expert in this field/problematic, Because of what took place last November 2008, what have led to this terrible situation. The churches of all denomination having emphasized that society cannot go on with the very corrupted financial system, political practice and human values. The price the world paid.

In other time, the early part of the Blair government, that of John Major or lady Tacther gad any Priest used the pulpit to express or preach in such important definition on the corrupted corporate management practice and spelling out clearly his preferred choice of corporate management method. All those who attended Church that Sunday, other older Priest and his Sermon must have been debated given its very very sensitive nature and impacts. There would have been a national outrage.

What must not be over looked for the past 15 years those who know and have witnessed. The very many sermons, church and Group debate, Christian values, Church working, importance of Faith - the impact, relevancy to daily life, daily living, corporate and political functioning, society on the one hand, the other the brutality, callousness, ruthlessness and utter greed which drive the individual, group of individuals, communities, society and corporate functioning. (What nobody, Priest have dared yet to say for the past 20 years how the world system ought to have gone completely defunct - had not those church institutions and those who believe in greater spiritual force made such important impact. On the part of those involved - Christian or believers do not shout aloud, brag about what the do contribute positively to society and the world.) They allow instead the none believers to invent their excuses, good reasons and arguments for such or positive developments.

Needless to say around that Church, the very many important Diplomatic Missions, embassy, rich and affluent individuals, personalities and companies.

On Friday the Headline that the Economic Advisor to Prime minister Gordon Brown had resigned. I have been involved in very many important ways and manner in the government of lady Tacther, John Major, that of Prime Minister Blair and to certain extent Mr Brown. Those who may say this is purely coincidence.

The good Priest did not have the time to discuss in depth his knowledge of corporate high management practice and its relation or the working of government in relation to corporate practice.

For those who do not know and forget our background - we belong and was trained by the Professor from Vienna University Faculty of high/special Management - the sister or cousin project be it what became European Economic Forum and in Vienna Interdisciplinary Management Institute, the greater objective of the two thinking and personal project.

The facts have existed since 1987 whereby a great many, and much of important corporate development, issues, regulations is driven by a very complex set of dynamic, mechanism. The media utter refusal to make it part of their approach to cover wider corporate issue. How this related to political working, political decision making - influencing both in very major ways and the vast majority seeking other explanation, providing other explanation or inventing other explanation. (Recently I mentioned and discussed this with some young student and asked their point of view - the said bluntly, the person or any per son who has such understanding can cause the system to mal function and also function positively)

Under lady Tacther government - the individual who had such capacity was associated and labeled Saddam Hussein with capacity of WDM, later taken up by Prime Minister Major and Tony Blair.

What, the greater public have failed totally or utterly to grasp. The media disfiguration and political dishonesty. Until a certain mechanism was officially put in place before the last two years of Prime Minister Blair departure 2006 what impacted and influenced the mass, the national political mechanism to compel, swing the people to accept either Labour, Liberal or Conservative politic.

Gradually after 2006 when this mechanism was put in place how instead of the former system of favoring, driving the people, the mass to favor Labour politic, thinking - contributing to inventing, driving Labour politic, politicians and vast array of issues related with it. This began to change after 2006. This mechanism has not only impacted British politic, France and Germany other leading European nations, EU institutions, politic, legislations. That of other parts of the world and some of the world very important institutions.

Why are we saying - for all those who recall the Spin doctors around the Blair government and the elections and indeed those involved if they will be honest with them self to admit, not wait when they are old man and write in their biography. The development of the Spin mechanism - for those involved equally the church and our learned Priest or fellow priests what the mechanism of Spin entails.

If only those who have acquired the experience, knowledge of the then system, spin how it worked and the working of the Labour government since Prime Minister Brown have taken over. Beside the Spins which Prime Minister Blair government was famous for. The government of Prime Minister Brown has been a very different approach. The intellectual and mental impact of Spin practice is like cocaine, cannabis or other drugs - the public and its system once addicted if their leadership do not give them adequate dosage. The will turn on the system what ever many positive and good government practice. For those who will write British history and politic - this dark aspect of British politic under Prime Minister Blair will hunt then and for future Labour and any other leaders a very major challenges.

Because of many aspects of the abnormalities of the disciplines used in making a spin mechanism - not just the media, the national institutions, the very politicians and the people inability to see that there is out there another mechanism which is driving Britain, this done not directly come from mainland Europe in as much as they would care to say. It comes from Britain and they are all failing to take adequate notice. Blaming EU or the mass migration of foreigners.

This system, mechanism as it is, in its present form favors Conservative thinking, values more than Labour, socialist thinking, and working and such values. This is force on the people and its capacity, process to think and acceptance of a political party. In other words since 2006 their have been a gradual tendency of people to got towards conservative thinking, values, brought about, produced by this mechanism. With it the mass reaction like any mass issue how they react. The large percentage which get bulldozed and catapulted along.

We have been monitoring the impact of this mechanism across the EU how it impacts and work there. For those interested we can provide very interesting and valuable information.

Britain is facing a very crucial election and its relation with EU and its many institutions. The many responsible that need to understand what is at work, why and how. Equally the many political parties, NGO, Churches, Institutions in EU. Because only then will they or any group be able to judge, evaluate the over all working of the British political system.

Not to wait after the election and things start going wrong and suddenly the media and the greater public clamor that had they known or been better informed they would not have made the particular political choice - decision. Fiasco then to develop very fast in greater politic.

This said what is the relation to that famous Sermon in that Church near the French Embassy, Knight Bridge. The priest preference of corporate management from the back. If the terminology is right.

We have been addressing the EU Commission, the EU Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Judiciary institutions of EU for the past 20 years that, the economic changes which came to the USSR, the making of the Russian commonwealth, the economic confusion of the new Republic.

Equally the economic and important corporate practice in many of the former COMECON countries, from Poland to the least dynamic country. Those British politicians, those British media who refused to acknowledge that something very wrong was at work. The actual political process called for by Gorbachove, many leading German politicians and equally former COMECON nation for a so call milder form of Market, economic system.

With the changes, which came, President Gorbachove, Lech Walensa and many others did not have the time or completely overlooked. That the West financial - banking system had already broken down. Had this change not come along and the opportunity to expand and develop trade. The financial melt down we experienced last November would have long taken place.

Those who engineered the change, including Pope John Paul ll the vision to put in place a different world economic order. None of the above could do this because they were not party to the core Group, those involved in engineering that change.

Equally, our very many protest that, those how knew and have known these issues. Their insistence that we cannot live Britain. That we do not have the resource and capacity to work more effectively. Travel abroad and in Britain rendered ineffective - have to work in strict controlled environment. The impact and outcome on not just Britain economic working, EU and the rest of the world including the USA, China and Asia, the Arab region.

Three very simple example, the Oil, Stock Market and commodity Market working. Safe the complete an alphabet would not have noticed that something was very wrong with the Oil/energy price, the Stock Market working and those who Hedge commodities or speculate 5- 10 ion advance on their price and availability.

Recently in the many British newspaper the headline finally the world politicians have done something to tackle and bring about positive solution - the current economic development. How very wrong, for all the hundreds of articles and stories published daily and the money they pay. If they would taken our challenge and allow us to move certain aspect of the working mechanism to mainland Europe, the marked difference. Those who will say it is the Lisbon Treaty.

What we are effectively saying given that mechanism working in Britain - one do not need to be anybody of great political note to be able to run Britain - a very great deal is being done for them. All they need to do is cash, capitalize on the positive note and they will rule. They will maintain power. We do trust the two former conservative Prime minister candidate will be pointed our thread.

This phenomena is not just an issues for Britain there are a number of countries affected, touched by this mechanism working. How they manage and cope in instances.

I have equally gone to the Catholic Church and other Christian and Muslim communities asking for help - trying to explain some of the above issues. Seeking for help, support to move aspect of this mechanism to Mainland Europe for the past 15 years. The negative results. Their refusal of support and help. Yet at the end of the day the Sermon from the pulpit of that very important Church next to the French Embassy in Knight Bridge.

If indeed, the Christian communities practiced what they preached, “Charity begins at Home,” meaning that in actual home poor or rich, educated or not, black or white. If they supported the Christian spirit, value of individual, their needs. IN this case our personal needs and wish. Then we would not have had to start this thread and all the efforts on our part to emphasis the Christian values, thinking with it. Britain, the EU would not be in “the stew” it is in.

Just like President Gorbachove, like Lech Walensa, like the check primer, like Chancellor Gerhard Schroder. Who got weak knees to really take the opportunity to present a new economic approach for their country - instead patching up, taking bits and pieces and repairing things as they go along. So too the Labour Party, Prime Minister Blair failure and the horrid task fallen to the current occupier of No 10 to resolve it.

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